Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Affirmative Action Essay -- Affirmative Action Essays

Affirmative effect is meant to be an attempt at equality throughout society. Itsupposedly proposes that each person receives equal opportunities in the classroomas well as the work force. Not only would this apply to minorities but to womenas well. Every sector in America would be equal and unprejudiced - or so proponentssay. On the other hand, adopting affirmative action would force many employers toreplace hard-working employees with those of less qualification simply out-of-pocket to theirgender or ethnic background. Many people feel that affirmative action would be very beneficial to our society. They have many thought-inspiring arguments. Some aver that we owe blacks for what we took from them in the past. We gave them a setback in our economic system, and affirmative action would be our way of reimbursing them for time and opportunities they lost out on (Norman 50). unless where should the line be drawn how much do we do to repay people - in this case blacks - for past wron gs? Is it enough to give them equal ripes, or volition we give them extra opportunities to make up for thosewe took away? It has been argued that the black sector in America, in general, islower in class due to their environs prior to the Civil War, but the black peopleof today are not those who lived then. Each person today - no matter their gender, 2origin, race, belief, or whatever difference has the same opportunities as everyoneelse. In my opinion no one needs any special favors to get ahead. In this paper I will discuss some of the problems with affirmative action. These include disgruntled employees, reverse discrimination, and the negative effect on our economic status. People who are for affirmative action have many possible positive outcomes as a result of this law passing, some of which have already been implicated. The first subject I will discuss is diversity in the work place, including women and minorities.Proponents of affirmative action attempt to show that diver sity in the work forcehas brought w... ...urface affirmative action sounds and looks good. How could freehanded people an opportunity to work and learn to get along be a bad 6idea? But after looking deeper into this concept, it seems that the casing of benefits are still not evenly spread amongst the community. After looking at all the negative outcomes, the choice should be clear. This is obviously not the right plan to help our social and economic system and we should stop using it until we can find a better choice. Works CitedAbner, Lacy. Discrimination behind a mask. Lighthouse publishing co. Boston, 1996Carlton, Melinda. Affirmative Action and Affirming Diversity. Public Management.Florida, 1997.Norman, Jim. Politics of the nineties Americas Verdict on Affirmative Actionis Decidedly Mixed. USA Today. June/July 1997 49-52.Internet website. www.washingtonpost.com

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