Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Las Dos Fridas (The Two Fridas) – Frida Kahlo Painting

Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo Calderon, or Frida Kahlo, was a painter born in Mexico in 1907 and died in 1954. Her father was German and her mother was Mexican Indian. From her childhood, she was diagnosed with polio, a disease that infects the spine, and the disease left her right leg distorted. At 18, returning from her art school, the bus she was riding in hit a tram and an iron bar pierced her abdomen/pelvis area. Her legs and vertebrae suffered serious damage. The accident was a turning point in her life. In her hospital bed, she installed a mirror above her bed. She painted many works, most of which were self-portraits.In 1928, Frida met Diego Rivera, whom she married a year later. She could not have children with him because of the accident. Frida was a huge part of the surrealism movement, and a good example of this would be her painting, â€Å"Las Dos Fridas† (â€Å"The Two Fridas†). This work was painted in 1939, shortly after her divorce from Diego Rivera. The painting depicts two different personalities, or versions of her, sitting on a bench. The Frida on the left is clad in a Victorian era wedding dress (this depicts the Frida that Diego left), and the one on the right wears a Tehuana, which is the part of Frida that Diego loved and respected.The hearts of the two Fridas are exposed. The one on the left’s heart is broken, and the one on the right’s heart is whole. The fact that she is holding her own hand could suggest that she wants us to see that she is her only companion. The composition of the foreground makes the two women the centre of attention, and the gloomy sky in the background could reflect inner turmoil. Despite the deeper meaning of the portrait, both Fridas look equally as confident and officious.Movement in this portrait is very little, the only thing we can see that is actively moving is the cut artery from her heart which is squirting blood. This is the first thing that caught my attention. I think, pai red with the scissors in her hand, this could imply self-destruction but giving the circumstances one would be right to assume heartbreak. The actual make-up of the painting is very pristine, with her use of oil on canvas. The brush strokes are delicate, precise and give a realistic effect. There’s a lot of depth in the painting, like in the folds of her dresses and the use of shadow.Frida has shown light and dark tones clearly by making herself the lightest and most vibrant subject in the area, which in contrast, is very dark and almost sinister. Despite the contrast, there’s still a sort of darkness all throughout the painting. The portrait gives an overall negative vibe; it makes me feel sympathetic towards her. The use of line is very subtle and is immaculately blended. The most colourful thing in the foreground is the happy Frida on the right, who wears blue, orange, and gold tones. There doesn’t seem to be an obvious colour scheme.Frida in the white dress is very neutral; it complies of subtle tones of olive and lilac, and overall the wedding dress is a blend of harmonious colours. The painting is, in my opinion, half cold tones and half warm tones. The representation of herself in the painting is realistic but her style of painting gives it an almost cartoon effect. I really adore this painting. I like it because it’s obviously something which holds much deeper meaning. It’s symbolic of heartbreak, despair and deceitfulness but, ultimately, is a representation of empowerment and sticking by your side when no one else will.

Music, Race, and Nation

Peter Wade’s Music, Race, and Nation is a book that takes a long look at something that the author clearly has a passion for. Not only does Wade have a clear and honest passion for the cultures of South America, but it is clear through his writing that Wade has spent plenty of time researching the things that he writes about. In the book, Wade’s primary goal is to shed a fun and interesting light on the cultural dances which are such a part of the culture in places like Colombia. After reading the work, it would seem foolish for anyone to argue that Wade did not achieve his stated objectives, as he clearly hits the mark with both his message and the overall presentation of that message to the reader. The basic themes presented in this book are a bit heavier than one might expect when they pick it up, but after reading, one can clearly understand why they were included. In Colombia, the music is a huge part of the cultural fabric there. In a nation that has long been dominated by white people and their overbearing culture, a mostly African dance takes hold and becomes a staple of the country. In order to truly understand the social dynamic that exists in Colombia, one has to understand the interesting dynamic presented with the relationship between the music and the people who enjoy it. Wade seems to understand the importance of this theme and because of his understanding; he does everything within his power to impart that knowledge to those who read the book. The presentation of this theme is somewhat different when compared to other works, but in the context of his objectives, the presentation certainly works. Before Wade gets started with the deeper and more complicated themes in his book, he makes sure that the reader has a strong grasp on the history of the subject at hand. Because the majority of people reading his book do not have a firm understanding of the basic pretenses on which it was written, Wade had to give those readers a crash course, or else they would be lost. In this regard, he succeeds beautifully. The organizational tactics used in this work give the reader a chance, while other books with similar themes might preclude those people who do not already have a basic understanding of Colombian culture. From that history, Wade does not just jump to his next theme. As any good author would, he builds upon the history that he has established in order to show how the music and dancing is interwoven into the country’s history. This is a very interesting way to present a thesis to readers and in this case, it is an effective means to the stated end. In this work, Peter Wade sticks to the point and never deviates from that. This is a fine line to walk when it comes to presenting a book with some history involved. Authors want to include enough information so that their readers can understand, but they do not want to include so much information that the readers feel like they are taking another history class. Wade walks this fine line and never falls over into the dreaded scholastic feel with this work. He gives the reader exactly what he or she needs and he does not do it with much fluff. The styling of the writing is simplistic enough to stay on point, yet it flows with enough grace to be easily readable. In short, Wade hit a home run with his diction and style. His writing is almost like the dance that it is describing. When one considers this book’s overall contribution to the topic that it addresses, it is easy to see why the book has been so successful. Though a few books have been written about South American music and South American culture, few have done it with this much passion. When the author cares about the subject matter contained in the book, that comes out through the writing. After flipping only a few pages, readers can tell that they are reading a work by an author that has a deep, profound understanding of Colombian culture. In addition, this book speaks to the importance of the Colombian music in the development of the culture of that country. This is an important theme that absolutely must be captured if individuals want to fully grasp the culture of Colombia. In regards to impact, it sheds a positive light on something that people did not know very much about. It brings to the forefront a brand of music that helped create a nation and helped create a culture that is often misunderstood. The work is a good one for a number of reasons. No book can be considered perfect, but this one is perfect in that it achieves its set objectives. When writers like Wade pour their heart and soul into the research of a subject, the resulting work bares that out. Music, Race, and Nation is one of those works. Â  

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Woning in Nederland

Hoe werkt het huren new wave een woning in Nederland?Het huren van een woning houdt in, digital audiotape je geen eigenaar new wave een woning set, maar dat je tegen betaling in een huis woont digital audiotape eigendom new wave een verhuurder of woningcorporatie is. Tussen een huurder nut een verhuurder wordt een huurcontract afgesloten.HuurcontractWanneer een particuliere verhuurder of een woningcorporatie een woning aan iemand wil verhuren, moeten beide partijen rain trees een huurcontract opstellen. Hierin staan afspraken dice de verhuurder en huurder rain trees maken. Een huurcontract kan op twee manieren worden afgesloten:een mondelinge afspraakDit is lastig te bewijzen en vaak wordt Er dan ook gezorgd voor een eventuele getuige, om zo voor meer zekerheid Te zorgen.Een schriftelijke overeenkomstIn de meeste gevallen stellen de twee partijen rain trees een schriftelijk huurcontract op. Het voordeel new wave een schriftelijke overeenkomst is dat work forces, wanneer het nodig bli jkt, altijd naar de gemaakte afspraken kunt kijken. De volgende dingen maken deel uit new wave een huurcontract:Namen huurder + verhuurderDatum sluiten van de huurovereenkomstAdres van heated gehuurde, met omschrijvingManier new wave betalingAfspraken over onderhoudHuisregelsHoogte new wave huur ( en tijdstip wanneer deze eventueel verhoogd wordt )Een huurcontract kan voor onbepaalde tijd gelden, en is dan altijd opzegbaar. Dit is erg handig wanneer iemand graag flexibel woont. Op deze manier kan een dergelijk persoon gelijk verhuizen wanneer daar de behoefte voor is. Het is ook mogelijk digital audiotape het contract voor een bepaalde periode geldt. In een dergelijk geval kan het contract niet zomaar worden opgezegd, alleen wanneer beide partijen hiermee instemmen.HuurprijsDe prijs new wave een huurwoning hangt net ALSs bij een koopwoning new wave verschillende factoren af. De overheid heeft voor een huurwoning een puntensysteem gemaakt, zodat je aan de manus daarvan een maximale huurprijs kunt berekenen. Dit puntensysteem is terug te vinden in de booklet: huren new wave een woning 2009-2010. Bij dot puntensysteem spelen factoren ALSs grootte van de woning, ligging new wave de woning, de voorzieningen en omgeving new wave de woning een rol. De kale huurprijs wordt in heated huurcontract opgenomen. Behalve de kale huurprijs, komen er vaak ook peg andere kosten kijken bij het huren new wave een woning. Hierbij moet je bijvoorbeeld denken aan kosten voor elektriciteit en gas. Wanneer de huurder twijfelt of de prijs wel redelijk is en klopt, kan hij de huurcommissie inschakelen. Deze zullen vervolgens onderzoeken of de prijzen wel kloppen, en kunnen eventueel via de rechter een andere prijs afdingen.PrijsverhogingDe huur mag maximaal & A ; eacute ; & A ; eacute ; n keer per jaar verhoogd worden. Dit mag niet met een willekeurig bedrag gedaan worden ; er zit een maximal aan vast. Momenteel bedraagt de maximale verhoging 2,5 % . De verhuurder moet zijn voorstel voor de verhoging minstens dainty maanden new wave Te voren indienen.Kopen new wave een huurwoningHet is eventueel wel mogelijk een huurwoning over te kopen, maar een verhuurder hoeft hier niet mee akkoord Te gaan. Wanneer je een huurwoning wilt kopen, moet er wel een geldig taxatierapport worden opgesteld. Als er sprake is van een groep dezelfde woningen is & A ; eacute ; & A ; eacute ; n rapport voor Al deze woningen voldoende.Voordelen new wave een huurwoning:Flexibel wonen, work forces kan snel we er verhuizenGeen grote schuld waarover bovendien annuity betaald moet wordenNiet aansprakelijk voor alles, ook de verhuurder heeft verplichtingen omtrent onderhoudMinder risico doordat het huis niet new wave jouw is ( je kan niet in & A ; eacute ; & A ; eacute ; n keer zo veel vermogen verliezen )Nadelen new wave een huurwoning:Beperkt aanbod new wave huizenJe bouwt geen groot vermogen op zoals bij een koopwoningJe set niet vrij Te doen wat je wilt ( met je huis )Je hebt Te maken met een verhuurder ; je dead set afhankelijk new wave iemand andersHoe werkt het kopen new wave een woning in Nederland?Het kopen new wave een woning houdt in digital audiotape je eigenaar wordt new wave een huis, al dan niet met een lening. Wanneer je een huis gaat kopen, moet je allereerst een lijstje maken van punten waarvan jij vindt digital audiotape dice belangrijk voor de woning zijn. Vervolgens kun je huizen gaan bezichtigen en makkelijk volgens het lijstje kijken of een huis geschikt is.MakelaarWan neer Er een huis verkocht wordt, gebeurt dot altijd via een makelaar. Wanneer je op huizenjacht gaat, zul je dan ook contact hebben met de makelaar van de verkopende partij. Ook is heated mogelijk zelf de hulp van makelaar in te schakelen bij het zoeken en kopen van huis. Deze zal je daarbij dan begeleiden en kijken of alles wat de verkopende partij vertelt wel klopt. Een makelaar kan naast zijn andere taken ook nog ALSs taxateur optreden.Prijzen omtrent koophuizenBestaande woningWanneer je een bestaande woning new wave een andere particulier overneemt, zal Er vaak worden onderhandeld over de te betalen prijs. In de meeste gevallen komt Er een prijs tot stand die net iets onder de vraagprijs ligt. Ook kan het zijn digital audiotape work forces meer biedt dan de vraagprijs, omdat er behalve de objectieve waardeaanduiding new wave het taxatierapport ook emoties mee kunnen spelen. Behalve emoties kan er ook sprake zijn new wave een onrustige woningmarkt ; mensen bieden gelijk ( boven ) de vraagprijs, uit angst voor het verliezen new wave de kans op een woning. Dit kan problemen opleveren met de financiering, aangezien de taxateur het huis een lagere waarde heeft gegeven. Je moet Er dus meer voor betalen dan digital audiotape het waard is, en een verstrekker new wave een hypotheek rekening houdt met de prijs volgens de taxatie en niet met de prijs dice daadwerkelijk is betaald.Nieuwe woningBij een nieuwbouwwoning ligt de prijs in de meeste gevallen al vast. Meestal wordt Er dan ook niet meer onderhandeld over heated te betalen bedrag. Tegenwoordig worden Er veel huizenblokken gebouwd met allemaal dezelfde woningen, en deze worden ook allemaal voor een gelijke prijs verkocht. Onderhandelen is dan natuurlijk niet mogelijk. Bij een nieuwbouwwoning is er & A ; eacute ; & A ; eacute ; n gevaar ; het kan zijn digital audiotape het huis Al een tijd lang Te koop staat, en de verkopende partij kan dan een bedrag aan vervallen annuity bij de koopsom optellen. Wanneer je bijna zeker weet een bepaalde woning te kopen, is heated mogelijk Er een optie op Te nemen. Je hebt dan het recht new wave de eerste koop gedurende een aantal dagen. In deze dagen kun je noodzakelijke dingen peg regelen.KeuringenBouwkundige keuringWanneer je een bestaande woning besluit Te kopen kan het handig zijn eerst een bouwkundige keuring uit Te laten voeren. De staat new wave het huis wordt dan bekeken, en ALSs er problemen zijn zullen deze duidelijk worden.OpleveringskeuringWanneer work forces een nieuwe woning besluit Te kopen kan het handig zijn een opleveringskeuring uit Te laten voeren. Een nieuwe woning hoort natuurlijk geheel in orde Te zijn en een opleveringskeuring trial of dot ook daadwerkelijk het geval is.KoopcontractAls beide partijen rain trees tot een prijs zijn gekomen dient een overeenkomst schriftelijk vastgelegd Te worden. Dit gebeurt in een voorlopig koopcontract. De koper heeft dan nog drie dagen bedenktijd waarin hij de koop kan annuleren. Verd er is de naam voorlopig niet helemaal op zijn plaats, aangezien work forces het contract niet zomaar kan verbreken. Vaak moet Er dan bijvoorbeeld 10 % new wave de koopsom betaald worden.OverdrachtDe eerdere eigenaar new wave een woning moet de woning verlaten voor de datum waarop de papieren bij de notaris belanden om ondertekend Te worden en de overdracht daadwerkelijk plaats vindt. In sommige gevallen kan de toekomstige eigenaar zijn huis al eerder betreden. Koper en verkoper ondertekenen dan een sleutelverklaring ; de koper mag Al wel in het huis komen maar heeft peg geen eigendomspapieren.Financi & A ; euml ; lupus erythematosuss aspectWanneer work forces besluit een huis Te willen kopen, is daar een grote som geld voor nodig. Vaak kunnen mensen dot niet zomaar opbrengen, en dus moeten zij geld lenen. Voor een huis wordt vaak een langdurige lening afgesloten met een hoog bedrag. Een dergelijke lening noemen we ook wel een hypothecaire lening. Er zijn verschillende vormen hypothe ken, die voor verschillende groepen mensen geschikt zijn. Hiervan geven wij een aantal voorbeelden met daarbij de verschillende groepen dice erbij horen.AnnuiteitenhypotheekDeze hypotheek is aantrekkelijk voor jonge mensen, aangezien de lasten in het Begin lager zijn dan aan het einde new wave de looptijd. Het inkomen van deze jongere mensen zal waarschijnlijk nog stijgen, waardoor dot een ideale vorm voor biddy is.SpaarhypotheekDeze hypotheek houdt gedurende de looptijd continu dezelfde lasten, wat voor duidelijkheid zorgt. Bovendien neemt de rente van de lening gedurende de looptijd niet af, waardoor je new wave maximale belastingvoordeel gebruik kan maken. Deze hypotheek is dus aantrekkelijk voor mensen met een hoog loon, omdat zij meer voordeel hebben new wave de hypotheekrente aftrekLineaire hypotheekBij deze vorm new wave hypotheken worden de lasten lager gedurende de looptijd. Dit komt doordat je aflost, en daardoor het bedrag aan involvement afneemt. Deze hypotheek is aantre kkelijk voor mensen dice wat ouder zijn, zodat zij op heated minute digital audiotape zij met pensioen gaan, en dus minder verdienen, lagere lasten hebben.BeleggingshypotheekBij deze vorm new wave hypotheken loop je meer risico doordat Er niet wordt gespaard zoals bij een spaarhypotheek maar wordt belegd. Dit brengt risico ‘s met zich mee, aangezien de eindwaarde kan verschillen van het verwachte bedrag. Dit kan zowel positief ALSs negatief uitvallen. Deze vorm is aantrekkelijk voor mensen met veel geld, aangezien zij dot risico durven te lopen om misschien winst Te maken.Aflossingsvrije hypotheekBij deze hypotheek wordt Er niks afgelost tijdens de looptijd, en wordt alleen het bedrag aan involvement steeds betaald. Hierdoor zijn Er lage lasten, maar wordt Er geen Eigen vermogen opgebouwd en blijft de rente maximaal. Deze hypotheek is aantrekkelijk voor mensen met wat minder geld. Deze voorbeelden worden in de PO M & A ; O nog uitgebreid toegelicht, dot is slechts een klein stukje uitleg.Voordelen new wave een koopwoning:Je bouwt Eigen vermogen opJe kunt Er aan veranderen wat je wilte hebt geen last new wave een verhuurderNadelen new wave een koopwoning:In de meeste gevallen is een grote lening noodzakelijk, grote schuldJe betaalt veel annuity over een eventuele leningVerhuizen is een hoop werk ( woning verkopen en kopen )Al het onderhoud komt voor Eigen rekeningZo blijkt uiteindelijk digital audiotape Er heel wat komt kijken bij het kopen new wave een huis. Het inschakelen new wave een makelaar lijkt mij daarom toch wel verstandig. Deze weet wat Te doen en kan eventueel aan de bel trekken wanneer hij denkt digital audiotape de prijs te hoog is. Bovendien weet hij nog hoe de keuringen e.d. in hun werk gaan. Drie voorbeelden ( platteland, stad en achterwijk ) : huren of kopen?PlattelandOp het platteland komen zelden huurwoningen voor, en work forces zal dus in bijna moose geval over moeten gaan tot het kopen new wave een woning op het platteland. Vaak hoort Er bij een dergelijke woning ook nog een behoorlijk stuk grond, wat vervolgens ook heated eigendom new wave de koper wordt. Bovendien zijn de meeste mensen dice op zoek zijn naar een plattelandswoning niet op zoek naar een huurhuis, maar juist een koophuis. De kans is groot digital audiotape een huis op het platteland meer waard wordt, doordat Er steeds minder ruimte in Nederland is. Het kopen new wave een woning op het platteland lijkt mij verstandiger dan huren, wat bovendien ook bijna niet mogelijk is.StadIn bepaalde delen new wave de stad zijn veel woningen dice verhuurd worden. Zo wonen Er in sommige steden veel studenten, die er slechts een kortere periode willen wonen, en bovendien nog niet geschikt zijn voor een hypotheek. Wel zijn de huurprijzen in de steden vaak hoog waardoor het wellicht toch aantrekkelijk is om, eventueel rain trees met anderen, een huis Te kopen. De kans dat deze woning in waarde stijgt is ook behoorlijk groot, dus dan loont het uiteindelijk toch wel. Wel moet je dan over bepaalde financi & A ; euml ; le middelen beschikken, zodat je een hypotheek kunt nemen. Dit eventueel met de hulp van ouders. In heated centrum new wave een stad wonen veel verschillende groepen mensen, waarvoor het soms wel handig is een huis Te kopen, en in sommige gevallen een huurhuis beter is. Wanneer je de middelen hebt, lijkt het kopen new wave een woning in de stad mij een goede investering.AchterwijkIn deze delen wonen vaak wat armere mensen dice over vrij weinig financi & A ; euml ; le middelen beschikken. Zij komen vaak door een laag inkomen niet in aanmerking voor een hypotheek, en zullen daarom over moeten gaan tot het huren new wave een huis. Het kopen new wave een huis heeft hier ook niet heel erg veel zin, doordat een dergelijk huis vaak niet veel in waarde zal stijgen door z'n ligging. Het huren van een woning lijkt mij verstandig wanneer je in een achterwijk woont nut over weinig financi & A ; euml ; le middelen beschikt. oe pimple het met de regelgeving new wave de overheid omtrent het kopen of huren van een woning? Een fijne leefomgeving en prettige woning is belangrijk voor iedereen. Het ministerie new wave VROM ( Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer ) is heated Nederlandse ministerie digital audiotape toezicht houdt op onder andere de huisvesting in Nederland. De hoofdlijnen new wave het beleid worden door dot ministerie bepaald en op footing new wave deze richtlijnen worden regels en wetten opgesteld. De VROM-inspectie helpt gemeenten en woningcorporaties bij heated handhaven van de regels voor huisvesting. De huisvesting voor zwakkere groepen in de samenleving, woningcorporaties, huur- nut koopsubsidies en natuurlijk de hypotheekrenteaftrek zijn een aantal belangrijke agendapunten new wave dot ministerie. Bij deze deelvraag beperken we ons tot de huisvestingswet, de woningwet en bouwregelgeving.HuisvestingswetIn 1993 is in Nederland de huisvestingswet in werking gesteld. De regering is van mening digital audiotape de schaarse huizen rechtvaardig en evenwichtig onder de bev olking verdeeld moeten worden nut daarom is deze huisvestingswet opgesteld. De wet biedt gemeenten de mogelijkheid om de verdeling new wave woonruimte Te reguleren. Uitgangspunt blijft natuurlijk wel de vrije vestiging new wave Burgers. Gemeenten hebben een aantal instrumenten om de verdeling new wave woonruimte in de manus Tes houden en ongewenste tendensen in de woningvoorraad tegen Te gaan. Zo kunnen gemeenten:voorrang geven aan groepen woningzoekenden.wel of niet toestaan digital audiotape woningen splitsen, samenvoegen of aan de woningvoorraad onttrekken.woningen toewijzen en bindingseisen aan toekomstige bewoners stellen.WoningwetDe woningwet werd in 1901 aangenomen door heated kabinet Pierson. Met deze moisture werd de footing voor een verbetering new wave de volkshuisvesting gelegd. Het doel new wave de moisture was: de bouw van goede woningen bevorderen en de bewoning new wave slechte woningen onmogelijk maken. Om dot Te kunnen bereiken, werden Er strenge regels opgesteld o m slechte woningen Te weren en werd gemeenschapsgeld gebruikt voor de bevordering new wave de bouw van goede woningen. Het geld werd uitgeleend aan woningcorporaties die zogenaamde woningwetwoningen bouwde. Dit was zo gezegd het begin new wave overheidsbemoeienis binnen de huizenmarkt. Om slechte woningen tegen Te gaan, werden Er een aantal regels doorgevoerd:Woningeigenaren konden worden verplicht bepaalde renovaties en verbeteringen uit Te voeren.Zonder bouwvergunning mocht work forces niet meer zomaar iets nieuws bouwen of een al bestaand gebouw uitbreiden of verbouwen.De gemeente kreeg de verplichting een bouwverordening op Te stellen met richtlijnen waaraan nieuwe woningen zouden moeten voldoen.Gemeenten kregen de bevoegdheid woningen onbewoonbaar Te verklaren.BouwregelgevingWanneer je wilt gaan bouwen of verbouwen krijg je altijd Te maken met de bouwregelgeving. Deze regels zijn voor het merendeel afgeleid new wave de Woningwet en hebben Te maken met veiligheid, gezondheid, de omgeving en de buren. De bouwregelgeving is opgesteld om een veilige en gezonde leefomgeving te waarborgen. Tevens draagt de bouwregelgeving bij aan energiebesparing. De bouwparagraaf binnen de Woningwet vormt de kern van de bouwregelgeving. Onder deze moisture staan drie AMvB ‘s ( Algemene Maatregelen van Bestuur ) :Het Besluit bouwvergunningsvrije en licht-bouwvergunningplichtige bouwwerken, waarin het bouwvergunningsregime is uitgewerkt.Het bouwbesluit met bouwtechnische voorschriften waaraan een bouwwerk moet voldoen.Het besluit Indieningsvereisten aanvraag bouwvergunning, waarin staat hoe een bouwaanvraag moet worden ingediend.Het bestemmingsplan, de welstandsnota en de bouwverordening spelen natuurlijk ook een rol.Wie vallen onder de kwetsbare groepen met betrekking tot de huizenmarkt en welke hulp wordt Er aan deze groepen geboden?Binnen elk aspect new wave een samenleving bestaan Er kwetsbare groepen. Binnen de huizenmarkt zijn dot onder andere starting motors, werklo zen en mensen met een laag inkomen. Hier volgen een aantal overheidsregelingen dice mensen steunen in heated kopen of huren van een woning:KoopsubsidieDe overheid wil het Eigen woningbezit bevorderen middels de koopsubsidie, ook wel Eigenwoningbijdrage. De regels voor deze subsidie staan in de Wet bevordering eigenwoningbezit ( BEW ) . Wanneer iemand voldoet aan de gestelde voorwaarden, kan deze persoon een maandelijkse bijdrage voor de hypotheeklasten ontvangen. De subsidiepot is genuine bijna leeg.Groene hypotheekVoor woningen dice aan bepaalde milieueisen voldoen is heated mogelijk korting te krijgen op de hypotheekrente. De groene hypotheek is een financi & A ; euml ; le regeling om duurzaam bouwen Te stimuleren. Een groene hypotheek kan worden verstrekt ALSs er aan een aantal eisen op het gebied van duurzaam bouwen wordt voldaan.HuurtoeslagEen huurder kan deze huurtoeslag aanvragen ALSs de huur te hoog is in verhouding tot heated inkomen. Men moet aan een aantal voorwaarden vol doen om in aanmerking te komen voor deze toeslag. Zo zijn Er grenzen vastgesteld aan de hoogte van het inkomen en de huur. Mensen met een laag inkomen kunnen middels deze huurtoeslag toch in aanmerking komen voor een goede en betaalbare huurwoning.HypotheekrenteaftrekOp dot minute overal in heated nieuws: de hypotheekrenteaftrek. Binnen alle partijprogramma ‘s new wave de politieke partijen is de hypotheekrenteaftrek een belangrijk facet. Iedereen heeft er zijn mening over, maar wat houdt de hypotheekrenteaftrek nou precies in en wat was heated oorspronkelijke doel? De hypotheekrenteaftrek is een belastingmaatregel waarmee kosten van de financiering new wave de eigen woning fiscaal aftrekbaar worden gemaakt. Het doel was de drempel om een woning aan Te schaffen Te verlagen. Tevens wordt het hiermee fiscaal aantrekkelijker om een koopwoning te financieren door een lening, zodat opgebouwd kapitaal geinvesteerd kan worden in de economie. Toch werkt de hypotheekrenteaftrek op dit minute niet juist. Het zorgt voor een kunstmatige stijging new wave de woningprijzen. De negatieve invloed new wave het fiscale voordeel wordt versterkt door het beleid op de huurmarkt, waar de huren al jaren met niet meer dan de inflatie verhoogd mogen worden. Het resultaat is dan ook een vastgelopen woningmarkt.Welke invloed heeft de financi & A ; euml ; le crisis op de huizenmarkt in Nederland?De prijs van de huizen op de huizenmarkt hangen af new wave verschillende factoren. De voornaamste factoren die een rol spelen zijn fiscaliteit, prijs new wave de woningen, aanbod new wave woningen, inkomen van kopers en de rentestand. We zullen de factoren kort bespreken.FiscaliteitMet fiscaliteit word bedoeld, digital audiotape Er je in Nederland sommige kosten ALSs aftrekpost van het belastbaar inkomen kunt aftrekken. Een voorbeeld daarvan is de renteaftrek van de aankoop van de eigenwoning. De laatste tijd word Er steeds meer in de regering erover gehad om de renteaftrek Te schappen. Als de renteaftrek zou verdwijnen en de prijzen van de huizen gelijk zouden blijven, word het voor heel veel mensen bijna onmogelijk om een huis Te kopen.Prijs new wave de woningenHiermee word bedoeld hoe hoog de prijzen van de huizen zijn op huizenmarkt. Mede door de fiscaliteit dice ons land heeft zijn de prijzen de laatst 40 jaar enorm gestegen.Aanbod new wave woningenEr is in Nederland een groeiende vraag naar huizen, maar de ruimte in Nederland is erg beperkt. Dus het aanbod new wave het aantal huizen is daardoor ook beperkt. In Nederland gaat het bouwproces van huizen o ok minder snel dan in andere landen, doordat Er maar weinig goede bouwgrond is en door de vergunningen en processs die nodig zijn voordat je een huis mag gaan bouwen.Inkomen van de kopersHiermee word bedoeld de koopkracht van de mensen die een huis willen kopen. De koopkracht hangt sterk af new wave heated inkomen van de desbetreffende persoon. Daarbij komt dat het ook sterk afhangt new wave de hoogte van de hypotheek die de mensen kunnen krijgen van de bank. Want ALSs je inkomen lager, zul je ook een lagere hypotheek kunnen nemen dan ALSs je een hoog inkomen hebt.De rentestandDe hypotheekrente speelt ook een rol, want ALSs die hoog zou zijn zullen minder mensen een hypotheek gaan afsluiten. De hoogte van de hypotheekrente word vastgesteld aan de manus new wave de internationale kapitaalmarkt. En dice markt zal niet snel veranderen, dus de kans dat de rentestand erg verandert is zeer Klein. En Door het fiscale stelsel in Nederland is de hypotheekrente ook nog is erg laag, want new w ave de rente wordt nog de belastingaftrek afgetrokken. Dus wordt heated netto rentepercentage laager. Er zijn combinaties tussen deze factoren die grote gevolgen kunnen hebben voor de huizenmarkt, bijvoorbeeld stijgende annuity en een afgleidende economie, zullen lijden tot een structurele daling new wave de huizenprijzen. En daar zouden veel mensen onder lijden. Uit onderzoeken blijkt digital audiotape de prijzen op de huizenmarkt sterk kunnen reageren in tijden new wave crisis, maar er bleek ook uit digital audiotape dot consequence meestal maar ongeveer een kwartaal duurde. Er zijn in vroegere tijden wel vaker crisissen geweest, die gevolgen hadden op de huizenmarkt. Alleen heated verschil met die vorige keren van crisis was, dat de prijzen van de huizen net voordat de huizenmarkt in elkaar zakten enorm waren gestegen. Dat kwam doordat de banken toen erg makkelijk een hypotheek verleende, dus was heated consequence new wave de crisis excess groot. Tegenwoordig zal een crisis zoals de kredietcrisis niet zo grote schade ALSs in vorige tijden new wave crisis teweegbrengen in de huizenmarkt. Dat komt door onder andere heated beleid new wave de overheid over heated verlenen new wave hypotheken. De huizenmarkt is zo gebouwd digital audiotape dice ook tijdens crisis niet in elkaar zakt. En de overheid houdt alles goed in de gaten en grijpt in ALSs het mis dreigt Te gaan. Maar er zullen in tijden new wave crisis wel degelijk verschillen Te zien zijn in vergelijken met gewone tijden zonder crisis. Dat was ook te zien tijdens de kredietcrisis. Want de financi & A ; euml ; le crisis heeft wel degelijk invloed op de huizenmarkt gehad, en de crisis heeft dice invloed nog steeds. Dat komt mede doordat de crisis tegelijk kwam met heated afnemen van de procentuele groei van de wereldeconomie.Prijzen gedaaldDe prijzen van de huizen zijn erg gedaald de afgelopen tijd, omdat het de verkopers niet lukt om de huizen Te verkopen. Maar ondanks dat de ze de prijs van hun huis laten dalen, lukt het de meeste nog steeds niet om new wave Hun huis af te komen.Prijzen gestegenVoor kopers is heated aan de andere kant erg moeilijk om een huis Te kopen, vooral doordat het tegenwoordig erg moeilijk is om een hypotheek Te krijgen. Ook veel mensen hebben grote moeite om rond Tes komen met de kosten van Hun nieuwe woning, doordat de prijzen erg zijn gestegen. Er zijn formules die kunnen berekenen hoeveel tijd Er nodig is voordat de prijzen van nu zijn verdubbeld, een voorbeeld daarvan is de 72-regel. En het blijkt digital audiotape dice tijd 24 jaar is, digital audiotape is dus erg snel.HypotheekHet is veel moeilijker om tegenwoordig een hypotheek Te krijgen, doordat de banken moeilijker geld van elkaar kunnen lenen door de crisis. Daarom verlenen de banken ook minder snel hypotheken. Meerdere banken in Nederland hebben ook geld geleend new wave de overheid, om rond Te kunnen komen. De overheid speelt er ook een rol in digital audiotape het moeilijker is om een hypotheek Te krijgen. Een ander Irish pound is dat de hypotheekrente is opgelopen, daardoor is heated minder aantrekkelijk om een hypotheek af Te sluiten.Beleid new wave de overheidHet beleid new wave de overheid perkt de invloed van de crisis op de huizenmarkt erg in. Ze zorgen ervoor digital audiotape de banken Hun financierende rol blijven spelen, en niet zo snel meer hypotheken verlenen. Daardoor word het moeilijker voor veel mensen om een huis Te kopen, en zo neemt de vraag naar koopwoningen af. Omdat dice mensen waarschijnlijk in een huurwoning zullen gaan wonen. Een andere regeling dice is ingegaan is dat ieder work forces in zijn leven maar een hypotheek new wave maximaal 30 jaar mag hebben. Deze regeling heeft ervoor gezorgd digital audiotape de mensen goed moeten gaan nadenken over wanneer ze de hypotheek willen nemen etc.Hoe ziet de huizenmarkt in Nederland Er in de toekomst uit?Veel mensen zijn onzekerder geworden door de crisis en twijfelen daarom erg over heated wel of niet kopen new wave een nieuwe woning. Ze weten niet precies of het een verstandige tijd is om een nieuw huis Te kopen. De afgelopen jaren is de wereld economie erg gestegen in procenten. Maar de laatste jaren is heated nog wel gestegen, maar in veel mindere mate dan de jaren ervoor. En digital audiotape is tegelijk gekomen met de crisis. De crisis heeft ook Nederland geraakt, zowel de particulieren ALSs de banken zelf hebben er last new wave gehad. In de toekomst zal het weer beter gaan met de huizenmarkt in Nederland. Er zijn verschillende factoren dice er voor moeten gaan zorgen digital audiotape het in de toekomst weer goed gaat met Nederlandse huizenmarkt. Maar er zijn ook factoren waar weinig aan kan worden gedaan door bijvoorbeeld de overheid van Nederland. Daarmee bedoel ik factoren die een rol spelen in de hele wereld of in stukken new wave de wereld, zoals de EU waar Nederland ook mee Te maken heeft, en dus ook last new wave zou kunnen hebben. De overheid wil met behulp new wave wetten en regels heated land Ers weer bovenop helpen en dus ook de huizenmarkt.Nieuw beleid new wave de overheidOverheid wil dat de hypotheekverstrekkers nog voorzichtiger worden met het verstekken new wave hypotheken. Dit nieuwe hypotheek beleid zal Er voor zorgen digital audiotape het moeilijker gaat worden om een huis Te kopen.Kosten zullen flink stijgen voor kopers.Weinig betalingsproblemen en gedwongen verkopen new wave huizen. Dus op zich is heated nieuwe beleid niet perse nodig.PrijsstijgingenIn de toekomst zullen er niet meer zulke grote prijsstijgingen zijn ALSs de afgelopen 40 jaar waarin de prijs 24 keer zo hoog is geworden. Maar toch zullen moose jaar de prijzen van de huizen stijgen. Ook zal de rente in de toekomst stijgen, hierdoor worden de lasten van de huiseigenaren hoger. Maar heated brutoloon zal gelijk blijven in de loop van de tijd. Hierdoor zal het voor vele moeilijker worden om een koopwoning te kunnen kopen. En zal het voor huiseigenaren lastig worden om rond Te komen. Veel huiseigenaren zijn daarbovenop ook peg knock voor een waardedaling new wave Hun woning, waardoor ze het nog moeilijker kunnen gaan krijgen.HypotheekrenteaftrekDe overheid heeft plannen om de hypotheekrenteaftrek Te schappen in de toekomst. Het consequence daarvan zou erg positief kunnen zijn, ALSs daardoor de prijzen van de huizen zullen gaan dalen. Maar ALSs de prijzen gelijk zullen blijven, zal het voor heel veel mensen onmoge lijk worden om een huis Te kopen. Zolang de hypotheekrente aftrekbaar blijft zullen de prijzen van de huizen niet gaan dalen.Nieuwe wettenDe overheid heeft nieuwe wetten aangenomen en afspraken gemaakt om de schade van de crisis Te herstellen. Een voorbeeld daarvan is de Crisis- en herstelwet, die ervoor zorgt digital audiotape de uitvoering op het gebied van duurzaamheid, bereikbaarheid en woningbouw sneller uitgevoerd kunnen worden. Daardoor kost heated bijvoorbeeld minder tijd om nieuwe woningen Te bouwen, om zo de vraag naar betaalbare koopwoningen Te kunnen gaan verkleinen. Want er zal in de toekomst door het groeiende aantal inwoners, een nog steeds groeiende vraag naar betaalbare woningen blijven.Alles word duurderDit is ook & A ; eacute ; & A ; eacute ; n van de factoren waar de overheid niet zo veel aan kan doen. En digital audiotape is dat in de toekomst alles duurder zal gaan worden. Er zijn formules om te berekenen hoeveel tijd het gaat kosten voordat de prijzen van nu verdubbeld zullen zijn, een voorbeeld daarvan is de 72-regel. Die regel verteld ons dat over 24 jaar de prijzen van nu verdubbeld zullen zijn. Dus kost een huis nu nog twee ton, dan zou digital audiotape over 24 jaar wel is 4 ton kunnen zijn.Huren in plaats van kopenDoor verschillenden factoren zoals bijvoorbeeld de stijgende prijzen en het moeilijker krijgen new wave een hypotheek zullen steeds minder mensen over de mogelijkheid beschikken om in een koopwoning te leven. Meer mensen zullen huurwoningen nemen in plaats van koopwoningen. De laatste tijd word Er steeds meer in de regering erover gehad om de renteaftrek Te schappen. Als de renteaftrek zou verdwijnen en de prijzen van de huizen gelijk zouden blijven, word het voor heel veel mensen bijna onmogelijk om een huis Te kopen. Door onder andere de net genoemde factoren z ullen erg veel mensen er voor kiezen om te gaan huren i.p.v. een woning Te kopen. Ook de armere groepen in Nederland hebben niet de mogelijkheid om een huis Te kopen, dus zullen ook gaan huren.BankenDe banken zullen in de toekomst erg voorzichtig zijn met het verstrekken new wave hypotheken. De overheid zal ervoor zorgen digital audiotape de banken Hun financierende rol blijven uitoefenen. En ALSs het beter met de wereldeconomie gaat in de toekomst en er dus meer geld tot Hun beschikking komt, zullen ze weer soepeler worden. Want ze zitten op heated minute zelf ook krab de banken in Nederland, er zijn verschillende banken die geld hebben geleend new wave de overheid. Uiteindelijk ALSs het met de wereldeconomie weer beter zal gaan. Zal het uiteindelijk ook weer beter gaan met de huizenmarkt. De banken zullen soepeler gaan worden met hypotheken. Ook kunnen in de toekomst de prijzen van de woningen gaan dalen doordat de renteaftrek word geschrapt door de overheid, ALSs dat goed uitpakt zullen de prijzen van de woningen flink dalen, en digital audiotape is voor veel kopers erg gunstig. Maar digital audiotape heeft nog wel tijd nodig voordat het zo ver is.Conclusievolgt subsequentlyBronnenlijstwww.vrom.nlwww.postbus51.nlhypertext transfer protocol: // transfer protocol: // transfer protocol: // id=8297hypertext transfer protocol: // id=1hypertext transfer protocol: // id=10869hypertext transfer protocol: //nl.wikipedia. org/wiki/Woningwet_1901hypertext transfer protocol: // id=18236hypertext transfer protocol: // id=44615hypertext transfer protocol: // id=18245 # a6hypertext transfer protocol: // id=7391hypertext transfer protocol: // id=8351 # a10hypertext transfer protocol: // id=23334hypertext transfer protocol: // transfer protocol: // transfer protocol: // transfer protocol: // ( /financien/rtlz/nieuws/ ) /components/financien/rtlz/2010/weken_2010/16/0421_1745-Gezinnen-kunnen-moeilijker-hypotheek-krijgen.xmlhypertext transfer protocol: // transfer protocol: // n+woning+kopen/wat+doen+de+huizenprijzen/verwachtingen/default.htmhypertext transfer protocol: // transfer protocol: // & A ; O boek ( hoofdstuk hypotheken )

Monday, July 29, 2019

Patient Safety and the USA Healthcare System Essay

Patient Safety and the USA Healthcare System - Essay Example USA healthcare system has not been efficient in handling the safety of patients. This is because it has encountered various challenges identified by experts. One of the challenges is wrong-site surgery. This occurs when an operation is done on the wrong part of the body. Even though it is rare and preventable it still occurs in the current hospitals. It is apparent that from the year 1995 to 2010 about 956 wrong-site incidents were reported to the Joint Commission. A medication error is another challenge evident in the America health care system. It is apparent when the patients receive the wrong medication or when the wrong dosage is given to a patient. A report by the Institute of Medication in 2006 showed that estimates of 1.5 million Americans each year are harmed by medical errors. This has resulted in an extra medical cost of $3.5 billion (Pauley & Joseph, 2012).Health care-acquired infection is another challenge that the America health care is facing though at a minimal level. The challenge occurs when a person gets an infection while being treated. It is apparent that 1 out of 20 patients hospitalized in United States contract health care acquire infections. At the end, the patient spends more time in the hospital and takes longer recovery time. Falls are other causes of injuries in the health care settings and the outside environment. Research has shown that about 500,000 falls happen each year in Americans hospitals resulting to 150,000 injuries (Savage & Ford, 2008).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Organizational Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Organizational Behaviour - Essay Example The organisational structure has an essential impact on the organisational behaviour due to its contribution in the view of the members of the organisation (Kumar and Mittal 5). The organisational structure is defined by the ‘system of task, reporting, and authority relationships within the organisation’ with the purpose of coordinating the operations and process based on the mission, vision and goals (Griffin and Moorhead 407). Within these stages and steps, the organisational behaviours of the employee and the leaders play an essential and crucial role. The main purpose of the establishment of organisational structure is to be able to have an efficient, methodical and orderly accomplishment of goals to be able to achieve end results e.g. production of goods or provision of services. There are different factors included in the structure of the organization such as the type of leadership, the division of labour and the coordination of the different actions and processes undertaken within the system. One example that can be viewed is the production of computers in the Dell Company. Without the proper organisational structure, either the production of computers will be a failure or the thousands of employees will build their own computers and sell them. In such a scenario, the cost efficiency would never be achieved due to high labour and production costs (Griffin and Moorhead 407). Basically, a structured organisation enables efficient work that can ensure achievement of goals. Upon the determination of the determination of the meaning of organisational structure, the next step is the determination of the implications related to these challenges. In the case of the organisational structure, there are different issues that can affect the company specifically on the basis of organisational behaviour. In the contemporary era, one of the issues being faced by organisations is the international competitiveness on the basis of globalisation. This is a cha llenge specifically for the highly complex global organisations. This entails a very specific protocol and rules on the division of labour of the members of the organisation as well as the coordination of every unit especially since the operating units can be separated by territorial, cultural and social boundaries. Examples of such organisations are the Philips of Netherlands and the General Motors. These companies originated from different countries but due to transnational organisational structure, they cater to nations around the world (Daft 237). In these types of organizations, the organisational behaviour is important in every aspect of the operation. In the different units located in other countries, a common method used is the adaptation to the local cultures to be able to successful accomplishment of goals. Intrinsic organisational behaviour is comparatively more basic, such as dedication to the mission, vision and goals, and cooperation to other members of the organisatio n. Organisational Culture Organisational culture can be defined as the core values of as organisation and the collective view, perspective and course of action of the whole organization. It is also the manner and quality by which the members of the organisation work. Thus, organisational culture is directly related organisational behaviour since the individual attitude and behaviour of a worker is influenced by the prevailing culture within the organisation

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How to Deal with Abusive Supervisors Research Paper

How to Deal with Abusive Supervisors - Research Paper Example An image of the tyrannical boss is evoked whenever the notion of abusive supervisors is discussed. This boss usually undermines those working under him or reporting to him and publicly ridicules his workers. In most of the studies, abusive supervision means the perception of workers about their supervisor of the extent to which they engage in nonverbal behaviors, verbal abuse and sustained display of hostile actions excluding any physical contact. The extent of abusive supervision is mostly dependent upon the perception of the subordinates. Different subordinates working under the same boss might feel differently about his behavior, some might perceive it as abusive and some might not. The behavior might also be labeled as abusive in different contexts by different workers (Tepper, Consequences of abusive supervision 2000). This behavior can result in the employee enduring the abuse or terminating the relationship or try to modify his supervisor’s behavior. The person being abused may remain in the relationship because he might feel powerless to take any corrective action, or he is dependent financially on the abuser or fears the results of terminating the relationship than the results of abuse. The abusive behavior may also be endured because the supervisor interchanges abusive behavior with normal behavior. Bies have identified manifestations of abusive supervision as loud and angry shouting, public criticism, rudeness, and inconsiderate actions. Not many studies have investigated the effects of abusive supervision on the behavior of employees and the performance of the company. Ashforth found out that abusive supervision resulted in helplessness, frustration, and alienation from work. It was also found by Keashly and his fellows that physical violence like punching, throwing things and threatening with a weapon occurred very rarely in comparison to nonphysical abuse.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Pillsbury Cookie Challenge Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Pillsbury Cookie Challenge - Case Study Example The paper tells that Ivan Guillen in his role as the marketing manager of RBG faced significant challenges. Primarily he faced the challenges of developing a strategy that would lead to the ultimate improvement in the business performance of his category. The key challenges further included the poor performance of RBG over the past few years. Correspondingly, the volume growth rate of the company has dramatically fallen and at the same time household penetration has also dropped to five year low. It is crucial for Ivan to understand these challenges carefully and find out a possible solution for profitable growth of the business. Moreover, it would be vital for Ivan to conduct marketing research for ascertaining the likely variables affecting the overall performance of the business. The identification of variables affecting the business performance will facilitate Ivan to address the areas that would be requiring more concentrated effort. The key consumer’s insights available to the marketing team postulate that consumers were familiar with Pillsbury brands and products but did not understand how they were relevant in the present busy and hectic life. Consumers were changing their buying behavior due to the economic conditions as well as due to the growing craze related to health. Moreover, it has been ascertained that consumers were becoming more sensitive and were spending less money on their purchase.... The key finding was that the consumers were reluctant to use convenience products rather they were more inclined towards baking from scratch. Business can be benefitted from the customers’ insights by prudently analyzing results obtained from the research and aligning these results with the marketing strategies with consumer needs. It has also been observed that mothers in Canada liked the RBG products for its price, its convenience and the happiness it succeeded to deliver through its fun experience when baked at home (Johnson and Mauro, â€Å"Pillsbury Cookie Challenge† ; Simona, 726-731). 3. THE KEY LEARNINGS FROM THE USAGE AND ATTITUDE STUDY ON P. 6 OF THE CASE, AND KEY IMPLICATIONS ALONG WITH ACTIONS THAT SHOULD BE TAKEM BY MARKETING TEAM The research offered significant understanding regarding Pillsbury’ brand users as well as lapsed users behaviors towards cookies baking experience. The key learning from the usages and attitude study was that scratch bakin g is the dominant method off cooking in Canada. It also provided a vital understanding regarding the market differences between the two market of USA and Canada. It was observed that customers of scratch users in Canada were far bigger than in USA. The research also demonstrated that the major purchase drivers were convenience and the entertaining feature of baking with kids. It is essential for the team to gather more precise understanding of consumer’s beliefs, perceptions, preferences and feelings towards Pillsbury RBG. Moreover, it is essential that data obtained from the research are used determining the future course of action (Johnson and Mauro, â€Å"Pillsbury Cookie Challenge†). 4. REASONS BEHIND IVAN GUILLEN AND HIS TEAM CONDUCTING THE IN-HOME

In a 46 page Research Paper analyzing the paradox of international Essay

In a 46 page Research Paper analyzing the paradox of international donor gifts to improve gender equallity and primarily in the educational systems, how do don - Essay Example These are clear-cut monetary aids that can only improve the situation. The other element is more problematic. The "Gender Lens Tool" can be used to identify gaps in behavioural gender patterns of a society and, hence, to define differences in health information from a gender perspective. Even the non-feminist experts from NGOs of the historically developed countries were influenced by Ms. Black, for Black believes every woman who hopes for a successful, rewarding career needs a mentor ( Black) Consequently, she made the whole white middle class pushing their own priorities regardless. With this background, even if most chiefs and field-workers of the donors' NGOs were women ( while we know that rather the opposite is true ) they would not have much of an idea about the recipient's country history, culture, and built-in society's very different behaviour towards the gender question. Consequently, they would assume that the same social and sociologic environment as in their ( i.e. donor) home countries works in India ( and other Asian countries ) too. Listing a few facts from the recipient country and most likely reaction of donors' staff to them should make the problems facing the Western donors' clear. We start with educational issues first: (1) Scholarly studies and research projects have time and again established that if you educate a boy, you educate a person; if you educate a girl, you educate a "family and a benefit for entire community." Yet girls lag consistently behind boys in access to education throughout India. Reason is simple: girls help their mothers in household chores apart from making carpets. Thus they contribute to their household, and, perhaps, to the whole community economy ( Patel 2008).(2) The next big bias against women-gender at schools starts with textbooks. For example, The Story of Science is a description of man and his discoveries. To show that, with scientific advances, travel time has drastically reduced, the story is told of the 'beautiful young Chinese princess' who was sent by her father to marry the king of Persia but married his son instead because the king died in the two years it took her to reach Persia! The readers are informed that in today's world, she would have reached her de stination in two hours. The two scientists mentioned and whose pictures are given are Newton and Marconi ( Bhog 1640). Some textbooks carry the story of Madame Curie, an important role model for girls. Bhog argues that Maria Curie's portrayal is treated through a gender lens as the narrative highlights Maria's domestic responsibilities and emphasizes her ability to successfully take on the burden of home and work. To Bhog, these are narrative devices employed so that women are 'tamed into not being too out of this world, too different, too challenging' ( Bhog 1641).Bhog points out that in her review of 75 lessons in the language textbooks, barely three 'make a genuine attempt to represent women in a

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Improvement of the Human Capital in Canada Research Paper

Improvement of the Human Capital in Canada - Research Paper Example Comprehensive development includes increasing the knowledge and skill of employees within the workforce. While the initial benefits occur in the industry, the individuals achieve surmountable development through increased knowledge. Highly qualified human capital could contribute immensely to the economic development of different countries. The productivity of any industry depends heavily on the available skills utilized in the manufacturing of products. The human capital can determine the quality of products produced within a country, owing to the skills possessed by the people (Crook et al, 2011). Development of quality production, therefore, would include initial development of human capital at early stages. A proper development program would essentially provide policies seeking to initiate human capital development in schools while offering support to the individuals within the program. Improving human capital through education remains the most popular method of approaching the development paradigm in human capital. The selection of this policy from the broad policy area of income, inequality, and poverty, follows a consideration of the aspects involved in the other policy choices. Within the broad area are three policy categories, seeking to elevate the Canadian citizens from excessive levels of poverty. The broad category involves three elements; income, inequality and poverty. The selection would involve a policy that would sufficiently address the challenges involved in the three categories identified (Riddell, 2007). While the other policy choices involve the implementation of multiple policies in achieving target objectives, this policy choice remains simplified in terms of the implementation process. The enriching of anti-poverty programs would involve numerous programs across the country, which could potentially raise the costs of implementing the policy. The other policy categories remain broad and lack specificity in terms of beginning points and target groups for the policy. The selected policy offers a clear definition of the intended population and implementation stage.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Heidegger's distinction between the ready-to-hand and the Essay

Heidegger's distinction between the ready-to-hand and the present-to-hand - Essay Example Heidegger has approved the explanation with regard to philosophy as 'its own time comprehended in thought'; the same thought has been delivered by the historians. According to Heidegger, the history of philosophy was to be considered as Western civilization's ever-deepening forgetfulness or oblivion of being, and he disapproved the belief that supported progressive self-realization of spirit version of history f philosophy. Heidegger was also supportive of the notion that Eastern intellectual thoughts can be of support towards technological understanding of being. Heidegger once commented that, 'I am convinced that a change can only be prepared from the same place in the world where the modern technological world originated. It cannot come about by the adoption of Zen Buddhism or other Eastern experiences of the world. The help of the European tradition and a new appropriation of that tradition are needed for a change in thinking. Thinking will only be transformed by a thinking that has the same origin and destiny. The technological world must be superseded in the Hegelian sense, not removed, superseded, but not by human beings alone'(G. Neske, 1990). Heideggar's philosophy has much in similar with the philosophy proposed by Edmund Husserl. Heidegger was much impressed by the article of Husserl on Logical Investigations. Heidegger acknowledged that Husserl's phenomenology produced significant impact on his personal work. Phenomenology is with reference to the science of consciousness and the related objects. The Cartesian tradition has been foundation for phenomenology, Husserl is of the opinion that one can reach the phenomenological attitude, based on the detail analysis of the content of consciousness, from natural attitude, based on actual world and related affairs by the application of methodological procedure. Freedom from prejudice and achievement of purity is possible through phenomenological reduction. Heidegger believes that phenomenology is based on separate analysis of consciousness. DASEIN: Ready-to-Hand & Present-at-Hand Being and Time is supportive of Husserlian phenomenology, and Heidegger has tried to explore the different modes of the existence of the beings, and the experience of its encounter. He analyzed the concept of being in a detailed manner, and referred to the daily life as utensils, or in particular mood of anxiety, and has further revealed the identity of Dasein, and terms it to be particular kind of being. Heidegger has denied the concept with reference to the constitution of the original on the basis of pure consciousness, rather is of the opinion that Dasein in its being is the core of philosophy. Heidegger has forwarded many thoughts which need to be answered. In his letter to Husserl he asked, "What is the mode of being of that being in which the world constitutes itself'" he has stressed over the need to evaluate the constitution supportive of the existence of Dasein, and if certain mysteries with reference to Dasein are unanswered, it will have an impact on the being in general. He wrote to Husserl that, "universal problem of being refers to that which constitutes and to that

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

International business (Discussion Board) Assignment - 1

International business (Discussion Board) - Assignment Example this century, trade and its policies have fundamentally transformed societies that have heavily been stuck on poverty thus making the millennium development goals achievable over time. Trade plays the role of fostering development and holds the power to promote the economic growth of the country and with this; poverty is alleviated with a motive of reaching the development goals of such a country. It is upon countries to embrace and take advantage of trade opportunities in order to reap from its benefits. My fellow proponents have also reached a consensus in agreeing with my view that trade is important in the development of the country. Among their reasons that support this view are in the areas of infrastructure. They believe that when some countries do not have the capacity to acquire infrastructure, they would rather turn to deploying trade with other countries for the products they need. In my opinion, this would improve the economy of these countries since they use this platform to get what they do not produce. They tend to agree that some organizations have been accorded the mandate to work on possible ways of eradicating poverty through trade and WTO is given consideration. I tentatively agree think otherwise. I am tempted to believe that it is within a countries capacity to derive mechanisms to eradicate poverty since they understand their contexts very well. The only capacity they lack is on knowledge of how to and the resources needed to achieve this. WTO would rather act as an overseer in foreseeing that Countries is better equipped to handle their

Monday, July 22, 2019

Joseph Conrad was a bloody racist Essay Example for Free

Joseph Conrad was a bloody racist Essay This is the quote The conquest of the earth, which mostly means taking it away from those who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much This, I believe effectively tars conlonialism and conquest with the same brush as he is describing colonialism while saying conquest. I feel he is saying that the two are indestinguishable and that anybody who can define them is stuck on the idea he goes on to mention belief in the idea something you can set up, and bow down before I think he is saying that as long as people can hide behind the idea of colonialism and tell it apart from conquest they are happy but in essence the two are the same. Conrad might be saying that although we live in a civil age we are no different to the Roman conquerors. I believe this shows that Conrad is not racist as he is saying that taking away the earth from those who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves is wrong. This is a very anti-racist statement and Conrad would have been saying something way ahead of his time. Marlow is a mouthpiece for Conrad in the sense that they have experienced the same things to the extent where even the characters names are the same When in the Congo, Conrad took over a steam boat formerly captained by a man called Frieslieben (Fresleven in the book), and he had to go and retrieve a man called Kurtz (same name, also in the book). In another book when asked of the likenesses between him and Marlow he said. It is experience pushed a little (and only very little) beyond the actual case for the perfectly legitamate I think that any reader thinking that Marlow and Conrad are one and the same would be virtually correct. This means in my view that any likenesses and quotes that Marlow does or says can be directly linked to what Conrad believes in, therefore it is not a factor of how similar the two are as I see them as one entity. When Heart of darkness first come out in 1899 (serialised in Blackwoods magazine) it was in an age where the western world was scrambling to colonise many African countries, where England was fighting a second Boer war and were supreme in North Africa, and it was a time when Joseph Conrad was putting his reputation and respect as an author on the table. His contemporaries could easily have dismissed his book as modernistic drivel and slated him for his uncontemporary views. In this light we see that Conrads book was way ahead of its time, exploring racism and both physical and mental journeys into the congo and into ones self. I believe it could be said that Conrad was not racist even if there is an inkling of racist assertions in Heart of darkness because this racist view was accepted at the time, this can be said of his usage of the word nigger in his novel (one of his earlier novels even had the word nigger in its title the nigger and the narcissus 1897) but as this was regularly used at the time it can be wavered as it didnt have the effect it does in todays society when spoken. Apart from this I think it is clear that Joseph Conrad did not conform in a racist society and had seen the horror and pure incorrectness of colonialism first hand. I have shown that Conrad and Marlow are one and the same and have been led to the conclusion through close reading of the opening of heart of darkness that Conrad is not, as Chinua Achebe states, a bloody racist. In fact I believe the opposite statemen could be made Conrad was a minority voice speaking out against racism through his character Marlow in a time where racism was rife. I believe I am right because the evidence against Conrad is scarce and what little textual evidence there is can mostly be put down to ignorance which in my opinion can be let go, due to the fact that his overall message is an anti-racist one. I feel people who think that Joseph Conrad is racist based on Heart of darkness is wrong because of the reasons stated. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Joseph Conrad section.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Enviromental Impact Assessment Of New Kuantan International Airport Engineering Essay

Enviromental Impact Assessment Of New Kuantan International Airport Engineering Essay This environmental impact assessment (EIA) has been prepared by Gemilang Alam Sekitar (M) Sdn. Bhd. as appointed consultant by the Government to evaluate a complete environmental impact assessment on New Kuantan International Airport (KIA) in Kuantan, Pahang. This report is prepared for the authorities review, accounting Malaysia Government guidelines and regulation under Environmental Quality Act 1974 Act 127. This report has been produced firmly based on: Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Field visits to the Project site, and, Few discussions with State government and related Federal government officials with environmental responsibilities. To carry out EIA process, some methods are used including; Meetings and discussions with Federal and State government officials, Visit to the Project site and surrounding areas, Discussions with citizens near the Project site, Surround noise, air quality and surface water quality, Sampling and testing the sample taken in the field and in the laboratory, and, Gathering the methods with professionals knowledge, expertise and experiences. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The rapid economic development and tourism industry in Kuantan, Pahang has resulted in a growing demand for air transportation. The capital city of Pahang, Kuantan occupied with more than a half million of citizens, approximately 607,778 people. This 9th largest city in Malaysia has 57% Malays, 32% Chinese, 4% Indian and 7% other races. Kuantan is currently served by air mainly by Sultan Ahmad Shah Airport but it is more on military purposes. Public passenger and cargo loading are no more available. The nearest airport for public air transportation can be accessed from Sultan Mahmud Airport in Kuala Terengganu, about 207km or 4 hours journey on road. A small airport in Kerteh which called Kerteh Airport is located 115km from Kuantan city centre and it takes almost two hours to reach the small airport. Kerteh Airport operations are restricted to oil-rig labours whose working for anchor national petroleum company, PETRONAS. This proposed Project is to design and construct a new international airport for Kuantan in order to re-operate the public passenger and cargo air transportation in the city, thus rejuvenate and induce the tourism industry into higher level. Site location studies were conducted in 2005 by appointed consultant, Megah Hijau (M) Sdn. Bhd. and the subject to run the EIA process was identified. In 2007, about 250 hectares (ha) of land was purchased by Federal Government of Malaysia to construct the KIA. Based on Megah Hijaus study, site clearing was completed in 2008 by local contractor within 6 months. The clearing process was under contract with the Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia. The KIA development phase at first will meet the forecasting air traffic demand for the year 2010. This will engage large turboprop aircraft with relevant range to cover numerous destinations locally and internationally. The development process takes in the improvement of soil and earthworks preliminarily to construct a runaway with 4000m length and 50m width. The Project also will embrace the construction of: Passenger and cargo terminal Access road and car park Control tower Rescue building Airport staff residences Waste water management system Electricity generator unit and Fuel farm Airport navigational aid and safety equipments ENVIRONMENT DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT SITE Physical Resources and Environment Project Location The Project location is in flat areas with small hills, which typically the topography of Kuantan located near to the Titiwangsa range. Elevation on the project site is range between 20 and 53m above the mean sea level. The soil of the Project site consists of muddy clay with less organic material. The condition of the soil sufficiently fit the requirements of constructing the embankment. The embankment is used to flat the terrain areas. Luckily, the Project site is free from earthquake and soil erosion hazard. The climate at the Project site is warm and wet, typical with the climate of Peninsular Malaysia which located proximity to the equator. Rain falls throughout the year, with heavy rain normally in November to March due to northeast monsoon. The average monthly rainfall in Kuantan is 250 mm. Meanwhile, the monthly temperature during the day is between 29 °C 35 °C, and 26 °C 29 °C at night. Kuantan average monthly wind velocity is 4km/hour directed to the Southwest, hence there is no typhoon recorded so far. The EIA performed the monitoring test for the air quality and noise in three locations, where two on the Project site and one in the Kuantan city centre. The results are shown in the table below. Parameter Unit Sample Point 1 2 3 Wind direction From SW `SW SW Wind speed m/s 4 3 7 Temperature  °C 31 33 35 Humidity % 89 91 83 Atmospheric Pressure cmHg 71 71 71 Suspended Particulate Matter ÃŽ ¼g/m3 34 32 36 Oxide Nitrogen (NO2) ÃŽ ¼g/m3 5 6 14 Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) ÃŽ ¼g/m3 1 1 5 Carbon Monoxide (CO) ppm 0.101 0.112 0.173 Hydrocarbon ppm 0.020 0.017 0.031 Noise dBA 34-41 36-43 45-67 Air Quality Standard is based on Recommended Malaysian Air Quality Guidelines (RMAQG) Department of Environment, Malaysia. Sample point 1 and 2 are taken from two different spots at the Project site, whereas the 3rd point is located in the Kuantan city centre. We can see the different in the test results at different location. The air quality in each location was better than the recommend national standard. The volume of hydrocarbon and Carbon Monoxide were higher in the city centre compare to the other sample points. On the Project site and surroundings, there is no river, stream, or lake identified. So, there will be no impact of water pollution in the area. For this reason, the quality of the groundwater undoubted with minimal treatment and can be used to supply water to the Project facilities rather than taking the water directly from nearest river which may considerably higher in cost. Ecological Resources The flora and fauna on the Project site are commonly found in most Peninsular forest. So, they are not endangered or protected species. Animals like snakes, wild boars, and typical local birds are the group of animal inhabit in the Project site. The flora in the site consists mainly with brushes and grasslands with no canopy trees. There site currently has no sign of logging activity as the trees available are not suitable to log. Furthermore, there is no agricultural activity on the Project site with more arable land available. Economic and Human Development The KIA project site is located in an area with low population volume. No indigenous population found in the area. There are about 500 families living in two villages, Kampung Melayu dan Kampung Cina, within a range of 10-15 km from the Project site. These residence areas are dwelling by migrants within past 20 years. They come from different places in the Peninsular Malaysia. Moreover, there is no mineral resources on the site, so that, there is no mining industry. The residents in the area are mostly working in the town as government servants, self-working, small businessman and housewife. There are mixture income backgrounds of the dwellers in the area. Overall, the income level in the area is in middle range. Kuantan, as with the rest of major capital city in Malaysia, is the one of the main focus of the Federal Government to develop the city with more economical value. Federal Government in the East Coast Economic Region (ECER) has identified the tourism industry potential in Kuantan. So, the Federal Government take this opportunity through the plan to coordinate an appropriate approach to enhance Kuantan attraction by constructing KIA. Quality of Life Values On the site, there are no historical, wildernesses, archaeological, cultural or protected resources, or in proximity to the site. Public facilities such as school, health care centre, power line, telephone line, are not located in the Project site area or within 8km from the site. Most of the facilities are located near to the residential areas. The main roads to be access are East Coast Highway and basic access road provided by the authorities near to the neighbourhood. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES In this section, we will disclose the potential impact of the KIA development project on the surrounding environment and suggest mitigation measures. The report will cover the potential impacts associated with design, location, construction and operation. Briefly, the impacts are summed in the next table. Other additional impact on environment also will be discussed out of the table. Loss of Ecological, Cultural, or Other Resources Action Affecting Environmental Resources and Values Possible Effects on the Environment Significance of Possible Effects Not significant Significant Low Medium Impact of KIA Design Flooding Downstream flooding, erosion X Slope erosion Siltation of caught water affecting surface water quality X Human and petroleum waste disposal Pollution of surface and groundwater X The construction of KIA will create a solid surface in the area its covers. There will be less significant impact on slope erosion and flooding or flash flooding. A proper design of the airport base and cutting-edge construction technology will alleviate adverse impact on the drainage system. The embankment that will be built at the runway strip potentially mitigates slope erosion effect. Wastewater treatment plant will be place at the site project to reduce the effect of bacteria and turbidity from human waste. KIA will use recent human waste treatment technology with environment friendly processes. It is undeniable that there will be fuel spilling occurring during the aircraft refuelling. So it is crucial to trap and treat these wastes before the wastes enter the main drainage system. To mitigate the impact, KIAs drainage system will be designed properly to channel the waste into the subsurface drains which contain trapping system to filter out the petroleum waste. Then, the petroleum waste streams to the wastewater treatment plan to break the hydrocarbon bonds which it initiated. Action Affecting Environmental Resources and Values Possible Effects on the Environment Significance of Possible Effects Not significant Significant Low Medium Impact of KIA Location Disruption of groundwater Changes in hydrologic regime Pollution by spoils leach ate impairment of profits impairment of drinking water source irrigation usage X X X Resettlement Disruption of houses X Changes in nearby land values Increases land values around the KIA and general area X Environmental aesthetics degradation environmental aesthetics values decrease X Loss of archaeological, cultural, or historical sites Loss of significant sites X The groundwater will not disrupt by the project because the level of the groundwater is 10-12 metres below the surface level of the KIAs construction site. So the Project would not impair drinking water resources and irrigation usage. The nearest residential area located about 10km outside the Project site and adequately far from airport operation. So, there is no necessary to relocate they settlement. It will be minor appreciation of land value, particularly the land that closest to the Project site and main road access, East Coast Highway and basic road access to the Project location. This impact can be mitigated by a strict regulation by the local government who may control the development project off the site. Planning, zoning and appropriate permits could help avoiding unnecessary development. Action Affecting Environmental Resources and Values Possible Effects on the Environment Significance of Possible Effects Not significant Significant Low Medium Impact during KIA Construction Sediment runoff Damage to aquatic ecology and/or flooding problems X Workers safety Hazards to workershealth and safety X Endemic communicable disease hazards Damage to workershealth X Malarial disease hazards Damage to workershealth X Slum creation hazards Slums forming in construction housing after completion X Cultural differences hazards Social disruption X Escape of hazardous materials Damage to health of nearby residents X Escape of air pollutants and dust Damage to health and nuisance X Noise and vibrations Damage to health and nuisance X Quarrying/blasting Blasting hazards Failure to restore quarry site Hazards to safety of workers and nearby residents Loss of environmental aesthetics and land values X X Disruption of nearby utilities Disruption to services X Blocking of traffic/access to the KIA Disruption of through highway traffic X During the Project construction, there are expected to subject minimal impacts, provided that the construction will adopt environment friendly and high technology design and construction practises and procedures. A contractual guarantee between the contractors and the local government will be signed before the works begin, as this agreement will be the provision to mitigate environmental impacts. Special conditions and specification will be detailed in the contract to drive the construction projects undertakings in a good manner with no unduly effect to the natural environment. The impact of sedimentation and siltation will be mitigated by structuring silt barriers and sediment ponds. These temporary retention ponds practically useful to produce topsoil for agricultural purposes because the topsoil is enriches with organic matter. There will be no quarrying activity near to the site or on the site. The noise and vibration from the construction works will be minimal as no piling and drilling activities expected. Since the residential areas are 10km away from the Project site, it is expected that dust from the main construction operations and the noise from the machinery will not affect the villagers prominently. The local government regulated that there is no construction operation allow at night, as a part of the mitigation measures. Worker safety is one of the main factor should be highlighted by the developers. The workers will be protected by a contract and insurance policy. Good construction practise guidelines must be complied to implement safe site undertakings. Apparently, there is no hazard from aircrafts onto the workers as KIA is a new airport project. Workers health will be monitored by the panel health care centres appointed by the developer companies. To mitigate traffic congestion in main access roads, contractors will construct a temporary lane especially for the trucks and heavy equipments to access easily into the Project site. Also there is no disruption of utilities expected because the Project will be powered by special generator. Action Affecting Environmental Resources and Value Possible Effects on the Environment Significance of Possible Effects Not significant Significant Low Medium Impact during KIA Operation Noise disturbance Hazard or nuisance to nearby residents X Vibration disturbance Damage to nearby residents X Water pollution Damage to surface and groundwater quality X Air pollution Hazard or nuisance to nearby residents/buildings X Erosion from newly completed earthworks Risks to aquatic ecology or flooding X Pollution from normal highway runoff Risks to aquatic ecology X Highway spills of hazardous materials Risks to residents and passerby X Escape of sanitary wastes Health hazards to passengers or nearby residents X Congestion at airport access or exit points Loss of time/air pollution X Hazards to traffic on highways near KIA from proximity to planes landing/taking off Highway accidents X As the KIA operates, there will be minimal effect of noise and vibration to residential area nearest to the airport. During the EIA study, the 10km away residents are just subject to 36-43 decibels from daily vehicle traffics. The noise analysis has been implemented using approved methods by the International Civil Aviation Organization with the help by Department of Civil Aviation of Malaysia. The analysis proved that the aircraft noise would not bring significant impact to the residential area as anticipated earlier. The sanitary wastes will be treated in the wastewater treatment plan. Therefore, there is no issue of contaminated water around the Project site. Furthermore, Malaysia has adequate experience in managing sewage treatment operation and maintenance in KIA as the plant system adopted and improved Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) wastewater management system. The system meets the World Health Organization (WHO) standards as part of the Project requirements. As explained earlier, there is minimal air pollution around the KIA site. The absence of industry around the site area minimizes the impact. Carbon emission from the operated aircrafts will not massively alter the condition. It is anticipated that during the KIA operation, the quality of life of the nearest population to be much better compare to existing life. The construction of KIA more-or-less will contribute to the advancement in the socioeconomic to the area near the KIA as well as city of Kuantan and other neighbouring districts, Pekan and Rompin. In addition, the infrastructure and public facilities indisputably will be improved due to the operation of KIA. COST BENEFIT ANALYSES Items Description Internal Rates of Return Estimated economic rate of return is 15%. Financial internal rate of return is 4.5%. An increase in financial rate is due to increase in airport rates and charges. Economic Benefits Increase in net visitor expenditure Savings travel time Value to foregone passengers and cargo traffic Savings cost in domestic aviation operation. Reduce hazards to aircrews and passengers. Generate employments Increase property values at nearest land. Project Costs Civil works Equipment and its installation works Consultation costs Supervision costs Environmental conserving costs Monitoring and Reporting Costs Monitoring environmental impacts costs Consultant and Supervision costs Maintenance costs Nonquantified Environmental Impacts Noise pollution Air pollution Surface and groundwater pollution Monitoring Program The impacts on environment of the proposed KIA Project are expected to be less significance. However, a delicate monitoring program is required to make sure the environments are not arbitrarily harmed by the irresponsible personnel. Monitoring program started as early as the Project begins. Monitoring during the construction process primarily highlighted on controlling the sedimentation and soil erosion. Water quality, worker safety and traffic smoothness also will be covered. After the project finished, estimated 4 years, monitoring program will be continued during the operational phase. Water flow and quality, noise and vibration and air quality will be checked on monthly basis. Department of Civil Aviation and Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad are the bodies that responsible to monitor the construction process so that the Project construction progress well. Department of Environment and local authorities are responsible to monitor regulations on environmental issues. The bodies must ensure that the contractors carry out necessary controls and mitigation measures as written and signed in the contracts. Monthly progress reports on environmental monitoring process will be prepared by the appointed consultant, Gemilang Alam Sekitar (M) Sdn. Bhd. the reports will be handed to the authorities for revision. CONCLUSION From the EIA process, the KIA construction will not adversely affect the environment of the Project site, significantly. The usage of approved construction techniques will mitigate the impact of soil erosion, in fact improved the soil condition. Minor negative environment impacts can be avoided by cutting-edge technologies, good management on the Project site and appropriate regulations. Monitoring program is necessary to review the construction works from the pre-construction until the post-construction phases. In order to make sure the monitoring program succeeded, consultants and government bodies must play their role well, so that, there will be no more harm to the environment.

Arthropod Ectoparasites in Cats

Arthropod Ectoparasites in Cats CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1Â  Origin of cat domestication The domestic cat Felis catus was originated from the wild cat species, Felis silveteris which distributed from Europe, Middle East, parts of Asia and throughout the Africa continent (Garman, 2000). Cats were first taming in Egypt around 3 600 years ago (Serpell, 1988; Coleman et al., 1997) but the recent finding suggests that the domestication took place earlier in the Fertile, Crescent around 10 000 years ago. Cats can be categorized into three groups according to where and how they live. The groups are; domestic pet cats, free roaming stray cats and feral cats. Domestic pet cats are those owned by human and their resources are provided by the owners, stray cats are not owned and they freely move however, they are still depending on resources supply by human, meanwhile the feral are those that live and reproduce in the wild and hunting for their resources and needs. In Malaysia, most household owned at least one cat as a pet and the cat population’s number increases each year (Bedi, 2011). Average animals received monthly are between 600 – 700 animals as reported by The Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) Malaysia. 2.2Â  The host (Stray cats) Stray cats are free ranging cats and can be found in and around the cities, towns, rural properties and they are homeless. They are not owned however, they return to human habitation (Ogan and Jurek, 1997) since they are depending on resources that supply by human. Stray cats could also define as those that escaped home and unable to return or an abandoned cat that seeks its shelter. According to Holton (2007) if a stray cat born in the wild, it can be considered as feral which the free ranging offspring of the domestic cat. Domestic cat’s lifespan as pets are between 15 to 17 years. However for stray cats, estimated time of living is only between 4 to 5 years (Ogan and Jurek, 1997). Stray cats are usually found in contact with human kind and easily seen foraging for food around the areas where food is abundant such as markets, food courts, on the streets and around the cities. These cats are exposed to numerous types of communicable pathogens such as; rabies, toxoplasmosis and toxocariasis. Stray cats are also good vectors to parasitic organism that are transmittable which can be potentially bringing harm to human’s health. Some ectoparasites can cause skin lesions that are accompanied by pruritus, erythema, excoriation, papules and crusts (Wall, 2007) after fed on animals and as well as on human. 2.3Â  Arthropod Ectoparasites The phylum arthropoda contains over 85 per cent of all known species of animal. Most common arthropod ectoparasites that associated with cats are from class Insecta and class Arachnid. Arthropoda is a Geek word arthros which means a joint and podos means foot. Three basic characteristics of the Arthropods jointed appendages, segmented body and external skeleton. The entire body is covered with a tough skin called cuticle which in parts is chemically hardened to form a protective exoskeleton. The very simple heart is dorsal, whereas the ganglionated nerve cord is ventral but in the head region it connects to a dorsal large ganglion, often called the brain. The body cavity called coelom, which is the space between the alimentary canal and body wall, is often called a haemocoele because it contains the arthropod’s blood (Macmillan, 1980) Arthropod ectoparasites have a major impact on husbandry, productivity and welfare of domestic animals (Colebrook and Wall, 2004). Arthropod ectoparasites have strong association with their hosts, they are blood-sucking organisms which live and feed on nutrient-rich fluids that are offered by vertebrates and also may become opportunistic feeder on human. 2.4Â  Physiology and pathogenicity of ectoparasitic arthropods The small, complex, mobile arthropods usually have a short life, but their populations are maintained at a high level because of the large number of offspring and a short developmental period, usually a few days to a few weeks, although some species require a year or more. The great adaptability of arthropods is evidenced by the evolutionary changes which work to their advantage. Their jointed appendages enhance their capability for dispersal. The body covering of the terrestrial forms provides resistance to desiccation. The injuries produced by ectoparasitic arthropods are caused directly by the ectoparasite or indirectly by the transmission of disease organisms. Arthropods may cause injury or discomfort through annoyance, blood loss, dermatitis, myiasis, envonomization, and allergy. Direct lesions result from the biting, sucking, stinging, or burrowing of the adult and larval parasites. 2.5 Classification of Arthropod Ectoparasites Phylum arthropoda (figure 2.5) classified to two classes, which are class Insecta and class Arachnida. Class Insecta that associated with this study is consist of two orders which are order Phthitraptera known as louse or lice and order Siphonoptera known as fleas. Meanwhile from class Arachnida, only subclass Acari that associated with this study. Subclass Acari consist of four orders which are order Prostigmata known as chiggers, order Astigmata known as fur mites, order Mesostigmata known as mites and lastly order Metastigmata which is known as ticks. 2.5.1 Class Insecta Comstock (1949) stated that there are twenty-six orders categorized under class Insecta. Of these, eight are known to be including parasitic species, while other orders may include incidental and accidental parasites. Members often characterized as tri-segmented bodies, into head, thorax and abdomen. All members have three pairs of legs and usually pairs of wings. Some insects such as fleas and lice are lack of wings. 2.5.2 Class Arachnida Generally, members are characterized as segmented body into two parts which are the cephalothorax and the abdomen. There are no antennae or wings. Most adults have eight legs except a few species of mites that only have one up to three pairs of legs (Roberts and Janovy, 2005) .Only subclass Acari that associated with domestic animal, which consists of Mites and Ticks. Acari divided into seven orders. Of these, four orders are known in parasitic species which are Prostigamata (Chiggers), Astigmata (Fur mites), Mesostigmata (Mites) and Metastigmata (Ticks). Mites have smaller size that enables them to occupy a very wide range of habitats. Most species are free living but there are also parasitic species living on plants or animals included invertebrates and vertebrates (Fain, 1994).Ticks are obligate blood-feeding parasites for cold and warm blooded vertebrates with a worldwide distribution (Cacho et al., 1994). 2.6Â  Common ectoparasites infesting cats and its distribution Stray cats get infested with ectoparasites when they wander outdoors searching for food and most often exposed to accidental ingestion of parasites. Common ectoparasites that associated with cats include fleas, lice, mites and ticks. Previous studies in Malaysia reported parasites infecting the stray cat population from Peninsular Malaysia have given considerable data on the diversity and levels of infection (Lee et al., 1993) 2.6.1 Fleas (Order: Siphonaptera) Fleas have a segmented body divided into head, thorax and abdomen. For adult fleas, the thorax consists of six legs. Fleas are small approximately 1 – 8 mm long and yellowish brown to black wingless insects. Adult fleas are laterally flattened; usually brown in colour and readily to jump (Gullan and Cranston, 2005). The most common and important cat flea is Ctenocephalides felis (figure 2.6.1). It is a cosmopolitan species and a pest in the urban environment. This species are ubiquitous throughout the world wherever suitable host reside. It is laterally compressed, wingless, about 2mm long and reddish brown to black colour. It has sloping forehead, hind tibia which lacks an outer apical tooth and coombs which differentiate it with other species. The male Ctenocephalides felis is slightly smaller than the female and has complex, snail – shaped genitalia. Fleas undergo a complete lifecycle which consists of egg, larva, pupa and adult. Immature stages of flea do not resemble the adult and occupy very different ecological niches. On average an adult flea lives for 6 to 12 months and has been postulated to live for 2 years. A female adult flea can mature eggs and may lay 300 to 1000 eggs over its lifetimes in average 3 to 25 eggs per day, if it has access to its primary host. According to Rust and Dryden (1997), about 15 eggs fall into the soil or the carpet. The eggs then hatch and produce larvae that crawl in the environment to feed. Flea larvae are elongate, have no legs and are sparsely covered with long setae. They have small head with simple antennae but lack eyes. They feed on organic debris found in the nest or house of the host. The larva undergoes two moults before becoming the third – stage larva before developing into a silken cocoon. It remains in the pupa for 1 to 2 weeks before the adult flea emerges spontaneously f rom the pupal case when they sense the presence of an appropriate host.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sparrow Hawk Red :: Ben Mikaelson essays research papers

This book is about a boy named Ricky, he is a Mexican who lives in Southern Arizona. He only lives with his dad because his mother was killed in a car accident. Ricky and his dad have a bi-plane that they fly to relieve stress and forget about the death of Ricky’s mom.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One day when Ricky and his dad just got done landing, there were some DEA agents waiting for them at their ranch. Ricky’s dad used to work in the DEA and they were back to ask him to help them steal and plane from the Cartel mansion in Mexico. The plane is supposed to have some sort of navigational system that only the DEA are supposed to have. Ricky isn’t supposed to know any of this but he listens secretly in another room. When he is listening he also finds out that his mother was actually murdered by the Cartel instead of a car accident.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Ricky finds out that his dad doesn’t want to go and steal the plane from the Cartel, it ticks him off and he decides to do it himself. So Ricky secretly runs away one day instead of going to school and goes to Mexico.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One day when Ricky is on his way to a village in Mexico that is near the Cartel mansion, he buys a burrito on the street and some boys see how much money he has. He runs away from them for awhile but ends up being cornered. They beat the living crap out of him and take all his money and his shoes. After Ricky wakes up from the beatings, there is a girl sitting across the alley from him. She tells him where the Cartel mansion is located, and she takes him to a restaurant and they eat food out of garbage cans.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the ending, Ricky goes in the Mansion’s gate as a taco runner, and steals the plane.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Word Processing Technology and the Process of Writing :: Technological Essays

Word Processing Technology and the Process of Writing Word processors have been in use in our country and across the globe for quite some time. Elementary school students, High school Students, as well as College and University students all use them everyday to produce written texts from many different genres. Pens and paper have been forgotten. Has the formal process of writing also been forgotten? Have word processors changed the way people write – permanently (I misspelled that word and fixed it using spell check)? The most recognized definition, if there is one, of a writing process was formulated by Flowers and Hayes in 1980. They were two of the first theorists to formally recognize that there are basically three distinct types of cognitive writing processes. The first is the process of planning. This is where the writer will decide what to say and exactly how to say it. The next step is the actual generation of written text. This process occurs when the writer uses their plan to produce an actual piece of writing. The last process in the Flowers and Hayes model is revision. This is where the writer makes all possible revisions to improve the quality of their written work. These three processes do not appear to happen in any specific order. There is no set pattern to follow. The order with which the writer engages in and completes each process, as well as the amount of time each writer spends performing each process, will vary depending upon the organization methods of the writer. The w riter will look at their own individual goals and decide how to manipulate the various processes to best meet their agenda. Theoretically, these students could be moving their work forward in a purposeful direction by backtracking through a given process. This model enforced the idea that writing is a recursive process rather than a straightforward linear process incapable of being altered. The Flowers and Hayes model has often been referred to as the â€Å"writing process approach.† Of course there are many other credible models for the writing process, but this definition suits my purposes by providing a backdrop for discussing the changes made by word processors on a long accepted, though often debated, definition of the writing process (Barrow 13-18). Word processors are good for storing data, manipulating and formatting individual characters which make up the text of a final written document, and improving the writing mechanics of student work as a whole.